Good News 2018
These 15 charts are exactly what i love Quartz for. They show us how 2018 was the best year in history to be alive. I think it’s so important to highlight the positive developments the human kind takes in all this craziness we’re witnessing every day. So what has improved?
- the share of global energy that came from renewables passed 10%
- some 6.7 million additional sq km of the worlds oceans were put under environmental protection
- we’re continuing to save more endangered species
- global poverty is declining
- 90% of the worlds population now has access to electricity
- global adult literacy continues to rise to new all-time-high with 90%
- global infant mortality continues to drop to new all-time-lows
- maternal mortality continues to fall
- childhood stunting is falling
- teen pregnancy is dropping
- tuberculosis is occuring less and less
- malaria cases are becoming rarer
- one girl is enrolled for every boy in school
- global parliament seats held by women at new all-time-highs with 24%
That is encouraging and beautiful to read. It is also motivation to keep going and focus on an area we’re still lagging behind: protectiong more of our environment and further closing further gaps of inequality. Cheers to an even better year 2019!