Update 3 on my new year’s resolutions
You can only improve what you track and measure. Therefore, I journal my progress for my 2020 resolutions.
Target achieved
- 25 books The holidays seduce me to use twitter more than I like to admit. I’ve only read about a little and my status hasn’t changed much.
- run 2 marathons, one sub 4h, one sub 3h I got sick last week. Probably over-trained myself in the hilly, windy and rainy conditions on the island. I had an unplanned rest of 4 days but recovered to about 95%. Since then I ran the whole island round twice (21k) and some beautiful runs on Shengsi. Training Program.
- visit Germany once
Less homesick than I was after returning from Germany, but still have to keep this goal in mind for Eli & Jade.
- go on a bare-bones camping holiday with Jade & Eli
No update, it’s winter still and this is definitely something for summer, before Eli goes to kindergarten.
- sleep 7 to 8 hours per night, aim to be in bed by 9:30pm
Did well last week after I adjusted to the Chinese time zone again. The jetlag seems to be worse going east, instead of going west. First time in my life I used sleeping pills for the long flights and taming the jet-lag. I used melanin, which is supposed to be all natural, and also didn’t seem to have any effect on me. Heavy training in combination with factors like jet-lag or alcohol also increase insomnia. Last night I only got 4 hours of sleep after a strong run (15k), a long days work in a coffeshop instead of my office, and too much alcohol (2Liter) in the evening. Definitely need to keep reducing alcohol intake in order to be able to perform at my best. More than 1 glass of alcohol (wine, beer, schnapps) is affecting sleep and rest. Since I use my Garmin watch to track my sleep, I can even see, track and measure the effects in the astoundingly accurate body battery.
- use a scale to check my weight every day
No scale around while traveling. It will become become a priority to turn into a habit once back home and at work in February.
- do not use my phone within 90 minutes of waking up or going to bed
I have been doing bad on this one last week. Especially in the mornings I used my phone without restraint. The evenings are easier to do when I am bringing Eli to bed with a story or some play. In the mornings I am mostly the first one to wake up and want to get up to speed on twitter before the rest of the day will demand too much of my time.
- earn a promotion
No update, I am still not back to the office to the Corona virus outbreak.
- write weekly progress of 2020 goals every Monday 5am for 30 minutes + 30 minutes diary
It’s Tuesday noon right now, so I am improving.
The holiday season has been extended by official decree from the central Government in here in China. We haven’t been able to get back to work and remain on the island instead. While the island is beautiful and safe without any infections recorded, it did throw us all of schedule of course. I expected to back at work already and follow a more rigorous schedule. Now, we’re working remote and less rigid as we’re still in something like island blues.
To that effect, turn your goals into habits and progress will be noticeable and much more attainable.
goals now running family focus writing resolutions update resolutions2020